You know your life's pathetic when...
The best compliment you get all day comes from a hormonal 13-year old boy
The full time staff at your part-time job are exclaiming "You're still here?!?!"
Your weekly diet mostly consists of frozen pizza, slimfast, and funyuns
You spend your friday night watching a 1940's Humphrey Bogart movie with senior citizens
You consider finishing your gallon of milk before it expires an achievement
Most of your "meals" are consumed within 5 minute intervals
You keep up on current events by looking at status updates on facebook
The majority of communication with your friends and family comes via text
You find your misplaced homework assignment in the notebook you checked a thousand times
The most exciting part of your day is watching last week's episode of 24
Your idea of 'sleeping in' is waking up at 8am
Good thing there's only 12 more weeks of this semester left. Bleh.