A Little Perspective

Monday, December 15, 2008

Don't Be Hatin'

I'm sorry, but this is going to be an angry blog. Finals make me crabby, and now I will most assuredly be hatin' on everything.

First things first. Finals are the cruelest form of torture invented for those who decided high school was as bad as it could get. Why did I come to college? I find myself asking this at the end of every semester. Professors are merciless slave drivers who get a sick satisfaction out of cackling at the hoards of students hunched over computers, books, and notes as they stuff their face with chocolate since caffeine is not sold on BYU campus. Don't even get me started on the caffeine thing. Bottom line: I hate finals more than anything in the entire universe...and I hate a crapload of stuff.

Second thing. Public affection makes me want to throw large and rather sharp rocks at people. I don't care if you're dating/engaged/married or just getting some. Get a freaking room and stop subjecting me to the physical intimacies of your insecure relationship. I'm sorry, but I am a firm believer in the concept that if you feel the need to parade PDA all over the place, you have some serious problems.

Third. I am still have no food in my apartment, and I continue to refuse to go grocery shopping. So, I will spend the next three days eating my bags of chocolate candy and will hopefully have a blood sugar reaction that will leave me twitching on the floor and thus give me a medical excuse for not completing the 5 page paper, 1800 word essay test, and comprehensive religion final. Wish me luck kids!


Blogger Lauren said...

"So, I will spend the next three days eating my bags of chocolate candy and will hopefully have a blood sugar reaction that will leave me twitching on the floor and thus give me a medical excuse for not completing the 5 page paper, 1800 word essay test, and comprehensive religion final."

Elyse, this is why I love you! I'm with you, girl - FINALS SUCK! I'm just holding on til Friday.

December 15, 2008 at 11:28 PM  
Blogger Michelle Glauser said...

You can make it, even when you just live off of chocolate. Way to go!

December 16, 2008 at 8:41 AM  
Blogger Riya said...

Oh, im sorry. Im not even in collage and i feel bad.

December 18, 2008 at 8:05 PM  

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